How do I upload my website? Print

  • 43

Your site content will need to be uploaded into the "public_html" folder within your account's directory structure.  You can upload the content either with an FTP application like CyberDuck or Filezilla using the FTP details in your account's welcome letter OR you can use the file manager built into cPanel.

To upload your content using the cPanel file manager:


  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Under Files, click File Manager.
  3. Select Web Root and Show Hidden Files, then click Go.
  4. Click to open the folder to which you'd like to upload files, in this case the public_html folder.
  5. Click Upload from the top toolbar.
  6. Click Browse (some web browsers will have Choose File instead).
  7. Select the file on your computer that you wish to upload.
  8. Once the file has been selected, it will automatically upload. You may select additional files while uploads are in progress.

Note: Many browsers will allow you to drag directly from your local file manager directly into the cPanel file manager window. 

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