
1. Not Sure How To Share Your Content? WordPress Getting Started Guide! WordPress is the easiest way to get started sharing your content with the world wide web! Even if... 503 Server Unavailable Error What Are 503 Errors?503 errors occur when there is a problem accessing the website that is... Are backups included? We offer automated backups for our Shared, Semi-Dedicated, and Reseller plans. Our backups are... Are there any hidden costs, or setup fees? There are absolutely no hidden costs or fees associated with your account when you choose to host... Automatic Subscription Payments NixiHost offers two methods of automatic payments: credit card and PayPal. These two subscription... Can I have Warez, Appz, Serialz and or commercial software on my account? Hosting or linking to illegal content is prohibited by our Terms of Service. If you have any... Can I run scripts like Wordpress, Joomla, or phpBB on my site? Absolutely! We make it extremely easy to install over 250 different scripts via the Softaculous... Can I upgrade my plan or features later? Upgrades/Addons are available to purchase at any time through your Client Area dashboard. Once... Cancelling Your Account You can request cancellation for any of your services when logged in to Please be... Catchall Address Catchalls are disabledUnfortunately, catchall addresses can cause email blacklisting and delivery... Clean URLs in Drupal Drupal handles page URLs in a style that can inhibit search crawlers from indexing your website.... Clearing the Browser Cache Browsers cache, or store, copies of pages you visit. That way, when you revisit the page, your... Cloudflare Cloudflare offers a free DNS management service which has some benefits for higher profile... Common Port Numbers cPanel cPanel 2082 cPanel SSL 2083 WHM 2086 WHM SSL 2087 Webmail... Core Dump / Core Files Core Dump & Core FilesYou may have found files that look similar to "core.12345" in your... DNS Flush Flushing your DNS will clear out your cached DNS records on your computer, forcing the computer... Domain Does Not Resolve Here are some tips for determining why your domain does not resolve as expected. Add Files to... Editing the .htaccess File Editing .htaccess With cPanel's File Manager In cPanel, select the "File Manager" icon.... Enabling mod_rewrite and mod_spelling You must edit your .htaccess file, or create one if one does not already exist. This article... Finding the Correct Path for Missing Files and Images (Error 404) If you receive a 404 Error, you can use the URL to identify the missing file. You can also... Firewall Blocking the Port I Need If you can't get through a firewall that you're behind, and you do not have administrative... Folders in the Home Directory There are folders in the home directory which will cause problems if they are removed. This is a... Forcing HTTPS Redirects via .htaccess If you have an SSL certificate installed as shown in the "SSL/TLS Status" tool in cPanel but your... How do I remotely connect to my MySQL / MariaDB database? Remote MySQL is disabled in our shared hosting environment to enhance security, as it limits the... How do I set DNS records for a domain if I don't have hosting? If you have registered a domain through NixiHost but do not have hosting with which to set DNS... How to speed up DNS propagation In order to speed up DNS propagation, you can request a DNS flush of specific domains and records... I need help with site development or design Under normal circumstances we do not offer site development or design, however if you need... I uploaded my page but it's not working! Make sure that you are uploading to the public_html or www folder.  Only the files placed... Is any security included? Our Shared, WP Optimized, Semi-Dedicated, and Reseller hosting solutions all offer security... Is it a problem if I'm not in the US? Not at all! In fact, we already have customers in countries all over the world. Let's Encrypt NixiHost is pleased to offer Let's Encrypt SSL certificates! These certificates are great for... Logging In To cPanel Customers get one username per cPanel. Addon, parked, and subdomains are accessable via your main... Making your WordPress website to be as performant and secure as possible with the latest version of PHP by using MultiPHP NixiHost now offers MultiPHP! Using MultiPHP, you can select from four different PHP versions -... My New Domain Shows a Seach Portal or Avertisements If you have recently changed the IP address of your site, you just need to wait. The IP address... MySQL Collating Using phpMyAdmin you can change the collation of databases. In cPanel, click the phpMyAdmin... MySQL Optimization High MySQL activity can be caused by processes locking up tables and backing up other queries,... Optimizing CPU Usage Excessive CPU usage can slow your website down and cause errors. Common culprits are old, or... PHP require, require_once Have you seen an error like this? Warning: require_once(/home/user/public_html/item/ PuTTY & SSH & FTP Errors If you're getting fatal errors when trying to connect to your website server, your version of... RSS Feeds RSS (Realy Simple Syndication) feeds provide users with updates such as news headlines.Using... SQL Errors Possible mySQL Errors Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING... SSH : Too many authentication failures for [user] If you are recieving this error (or "connection reset by peer"), your client is having trouble... SSH Keying Through PuTTY (Windows) Installing & Using PuTTY in WindowsFirst you will need to download both PuTTY and... SSH Keying Through Terminal (Mac OS X / Linux) For Mac OS X and Linux In Terminal, typessh-keygen -t dsa Accept the defaults when it queries... SSL SSLSSL certificates encrypt information being exchanged between the browser and the server. They... SSL Certificates and Cloudflare While NixiHost generally recommends using NixiHost-provided nameservers to allow your cPanel... Server Side Includes (SSI) Common SSI codes you might find useful: <!--#echo var="HTTP_REFERER" --> referring... Some Default .htaccess Configurations .htaccess files override default server settings and set rules and parameters for the directory... Splitting Addon Domains into New Hosting Packages There are many reasons for which you may want to move an addon domain into its own hosting. If... SugarCRM / CSS Style If your CSS themes don't look right after installing SugarCRM CE, you might be able to fix it by... Temporary URLs in WordPress To use your Temporary URL with a WordPress installation, you will need to edit the Windows Hosts... The Hosts File: What Is It, How To Edit It What Is The Hosts File For?The hosts file is a text file. Your computer uses the hosts file to... The public_ftp Folder The public_ftp FolderThis folder is used for storing files available with anonymous FTP. If you... Traceroute On Mac What is Traceroute?Traceroute is a tool that records, or maps, the route between your computer... Traceroute, Whois, Ping, Dig You can run all of these commands from your browser using the website Some Chrome... Troubleshooting inode usage In the event that you need to reduce your inode usage, you can use SSH access to help identify... Unable to Login to cPanel, WHM, or Webmail Unable to Login to cPanel, WHM, or WebmailThis is probably caused by your firewall. You can solve... Updating MySQL Password Hashes for MySQL Upgrade Compatibility Due to pending updates, some users with "old_passwords" enabled in MySQL will need to update... Upgrading or Downgrading Your Account Account Upgrades and Downgrades You can upgrade or downgrade when logged in to Vanity Nameservers Vanity nameservers are available to Reseller clients by request. To request custom nameservers,... What happens if I exceed my allocated bandwidth? While our Shared and Semi-Dedicated plans have unmetered bandwidth, our Reseller and Dedicated... What is an error 404 page? Error 404 indicates that you are requesting a file or a directory that does not exist on the... What is md5 Encryption? Message Digest algorithm 5 is an encryption hash function, often used to encrypt stored... What is the public_html folder? This is the web root directory for your primary domain. All website files pertinent to that... Which nameservers should I use? You can find your nameservers along with your cPanel login details and other crucial account... WordPress Migration Plugins and High Resource Usage When using a WordPress plugin to migrate or import a WordPress backup, it is not uncommon to see... WordPress Optimization Optimizing your scripts can keep your server and website loading quickly for your visitors. These... cURL cURL is a command line tool for transferring data. It can be used with most file protocols. A... phpBB Editing Users Using the phpBB Administration Control Panel, you will be able to create, modify, and delete user... robots.txt Optimization robots.txt is used by search engine webcrawlers to determine what to index. robots.txt should be...
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