WordPress Security: Brute Force Attacks Print

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Brute force attacks are not uncommon on the internet, and protecting your WordPress install will help deter such attacks.

Password Protecting wp-login.php

  1. Create a file called ".wpadmin", and place it in your home directory (/home/user/.wpadmin)
  2. Edit .wpadmin and place your username and encrypted password in it, following this format:

Generate A Password


  1. Using the htaccess tools website above, create a username and password.
  2. Log in to cPanel in another tab or window.
  3. Select "File Manager".
  4. Select "Home Directory".
  5. Select "Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)".
  6. Select "Go".
  7. Find your .wpadmin file and edit it. If none exists, create one.
  8. Paste the code provided by the htaccesstools website.
  9. Select "Save Changes".
  10. Select "Close".
  11. Now you must edit the .htaccess file. Find and open it.
  12. Add this code to it:

    ErrorDocument 401 "Unauthorized Access"

    ErrorDocument 403 "Forbidden"

    <FilesMatch "wp-login.php">

    AuthName "Authorized Only"

    AuthType Basic

    AuthUserFile /home/user/.wpadmin

    require valid-user


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