WordPress: Adding Google+ Hangouts Event Countdown Print

  • 137

If you would like to use Google+ Hangouts on your blog to organize events, you will need to add a widget using the Yakadanda Google+ Hangout Events Plugin.

A. Installing The Plugin

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Select "Plugins" from the left hand navigation menu.
  3. Select "Add New".
  4. In the search field, type "yakadanda google hangout events".
  5. Select the plugin and click "Install Now".
  6. Click "Activate Now".

B. Get Google API Keys

  1. Log in to the Google APIs Console. If you don't have an account, make one.
  2. Click "Create Project".
  3. Click "Services".
  4. Flip the "Calendar API" button to "On".
  5. Check the box to agree to the terms of service. Click "Accept".

C. Create An OAuth 2.0 Client ID

  1. In the Google APIs Console, select "API Access".
  2. Click "Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID".
  3. Enter the information needed in the popup window.
  4. Click "Next".
  5. Click the button for "Web Application".
  6. Change the default "https://" to "http://".
  7. Change the URL of the oauth2callback.php file to "www.domain.com/wp-content/plugins/yakadanda-google-hangout-events/oauth2callback.php", changing "domain.com" to your actual website.
  8. Click "Create client ID".

D. Connect Google API To The Plugin

  1. In the WordPress Dashboard, click "Settings", then "Google+ Hangout Events".
  2. Click "Edit" next to Yakadanda Google+ Hangout Events.
  3. In the field marked "Calendar ID", nter the email address of the Google+ account you plan to use to create events with
  4. Enter the API Key, Client ID, and Client Secret using the information give on the Google API Console Page.
  5. Select "Save and Connect".
  6. Click "Allow Access".

E. Add Events Widget to Sidebar

  1. In your WordPress Dashboard, select "Appearance", then "Widgets".
  2. Drag and drop the "Google+ Hangout Events Widget" to the sidebar.
  3. Enter a title for your event.
  4. Modify the settings as needed.
  5. Select "Save".


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