WordPress: Using The Database to Disable/Enable Plugins

If you are getting errors trying to view WordPress pages, you may have a malfunctioning plugin. Sometimes you are unable to reliably access the WordPress Dashboard because of errors. If you are unable to use the Dashboard, there is a way to disable or enable plugins through the database.

Find The Database Name

  1. In cPanel, locate the "Files" section, and select "File Manager".
  2. Select "Web Root (public_html)" and check the box labeled "Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)".
  3. Select "Go".
  4. Find the wp-config.php file. It will be located in the directory that you have installed WordPress to.
  5. Right click wp-config.php and choose "Code Edit".
  6. In the popup window, select "Edit".
  7. Find the database name; it will look like this. It is the bolded portion.
    define('DB_NAME', 'domain_wrdp1')

Disable Plugins

  1. In cPanel, select "phpMyAdmin".
  2. Find the database in the list on the left side of the screen. Select it.
  3. Click "wp_options".
  4. Find the "option_name" column. There is a line called "active_plugins". Click "Edit" next to that line. Find and copy the section of text that looks like this, then delete it:






  5. Save the copied text locally.
  6. Click "Go".

You have now disabled the plugins. You should now be able to log in to the WordPress Dashboard without problems. To determine which specific plugin was causing the issue, re-add each plugin one at a time from your Dashboard, refreshing your blog in your browser after each one is added. When you get an error, the last plugin you added is the one causing it.

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