WordPress: Installing and Uninstalling Plugins

Installing plugins to WordPress can be done using the Dashboard or manually.

Installing A Plugin Using WordPress

  1. While logged in to the WordPress Dashboard, click "Plugins", then "Add New".
  2. In the search field, type in the name of the plugin you wish to install.
  3. Select the plugin and click "Details".
  4. Select "Install Now".
  5. You may need to enter FTP login credential information. If you have already installed a plugin in the past, the login credentials will be stored from the last time.
  6. Select "Proceed".
  7. If the install was successful, click "Activate Plugin". If not, click "Return to Plugin Installer". You might need to go through the "Details" readme file to see if there are other steps necessary for the install of that particular plugin.

Installing A Plugin Through FTP

Note: You must be sure that the plugin you are trying to install is compatible with your version of WordPress. Additionally, you should be certain you can trust the source that you got the plugin from.

  1. Download the WordPress plugin to your desktop on your computer. Extract the zip file if it is compressed.
  2. Read the "Details" readme file to see if there are any specific instructions.
  3. Log in to your website with your FTP client and upload the plugin folder to "wp-content/plugins" directory.
  4. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
  5. Find the "Plugins" section and find your new plugin from the list.
  6. Select "Activate Plugin" to start your plugin.

Uninstalling WordPress Plugins

  1. In the WordPress Dashboard, click "Plugins".
  2. Select the plugin you wish to uninstall from the list, and click "Deactivate".

This will deactivate the plugin but will not delete it.

Permanently Delete A Plugin

  1. First, read the readme file in the plugin's directory to be sure there are no special instructions. You may need to manually edit theme files.
  2. Deactivate the plugin, then log in to your site with your FTP client,
  3. Locate the directory of the now deactivated plugin. Delete the folder.


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