cPanel Migrations

We offer free cPanel migrations! Full cPanel backups include all email addresses and emails, DNS records, databases, addon domains, and file structure - everything will be there! All we need is a full cPanel backup file. You can upload your file to your new NixiHost cPanel account, or leave the backup file in your old cPanel account at your old host.

Once your backup is created, simply open a Support ticket asking for a cPanel migration.

  • If you uploaded your backup file to your NixiHost account, you'll just need to provide us with the file name and location.
  • If you prefer to leave the backup file in your old cPanel account at your old host, we'll need the backup file name and location, as well as the cPanel login URL and your username and password.

Our Admin will then restore your backup to your NixiHost cPanel account. Once your backup has been restored, you can update your domain with your new NixiHost nameservers to begin hosting your site from your new NixiHost account!


Note: If your host has removed the backup tool from cPanel, we may still be able to create a full backup from your account. We will need your login credentials for your old hosting account in order to proceed.

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