GnuPG Keys
This is an encryption scheme that uses the public key approach. Messages are encrypted with a public key but they can only be decrypted by a private key retained by the intended recipient.
The private key is kept secret, but the public key is available to anyone.
To send a person an encrypted mail, you must encrypt the message with the recipient's public key. Once this has been done, only the recipient's private key will be able to decrypt the message. The reverse is true if you wish to receive an encrypted message from a person - they will need your public key.
How to Set Up GnuPG Keys
- In cPanel, select the "Encryption" icon under the "Email" heading.
- In the "Your Name" field, enter the name you wish to display in your secure communications.
- Enter the complete email address you wish to use in secure communication in the "Your Email" field.
- Next to "Comment or Nickname", you can add a reminder of the purpose of this key pair.
- Next to "Key Password" enter the password you wish to use for this key pair. Enter it a second time to verify.
- In the field labelled "Expiration Date", enter a value representing how long the key pair will be valid. This value must be in one metric only - either days, weeks, or years. Do not mix days, weeks, or years.
- Next to "Key Size", choose the size of the key to be generated. The larger the number the stronger the encryption will be.
- Select "Generate Key".
How to Import GnuPG Keys
- Select the "Import Key" button on the "Encryption" page in cPanel.
- Paste the keycode you wish to import into the text area.
- Click "Import".