How to Create and Assign a Database User Print

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How to Create and Assign a Database User

Create A New Database User

    1. In cPanel, select "MySQL Databases".
    2. Find the "MySQL Users" section.
    3. Enter a username under "Add New User". Usernames are maximum 7 characters.
    4. Enter a password in the "Password" field. You can also use the "Generate Password" option to let cPanel generate a strong password for you.
    5. Click "Create User".

Assigning A User To A Database

  1. Using the "User" dropdown menu under the "Add User To Database" section, select your newly created user.
  2. From the "Database" dropdown menu, choose the database you wish to assign the user to.
  3. Click "Add".
  4. Navigate to the MySQL Account Maintenance screen and choose which privileges you wish to assign to the user.
  5. Click "Make Changes"

You will now need to update the site's configuration code to reflect the changes in database username and password.

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