We now offer Redis object caching which you can enable with a few quick steps.
You will need to log in to cPanel in order to enable Redis caching. Once logged in, follow these steps:
- In cPanel, click "LiteSpeed Redis Cache Manager"
- Click "Enable"
Once Redis is enabled, log in to your WordPress installation. Once logged in, you will need to follow these steps to install the LiteSpeed Cache plugin. If you already have the LiteSpeed Cache plugin installed, you can skip this section and move on to the final section.
- Click "Plugins"
- Click "Add New Plugin"
- In the search field, enter "LiteSpeed Cache"
- The first result will be LiteSpeed Cache - click "Install Now"
- Click "Plugins"
- Click "Activate" underneath LiteSpeed Cache
Once LiteSpeed Cache is installed and activated, follow these last steps to enable Redis object caching:
- Click LiteSpeed Cache on the left side of the Admin panel
- Click "Cache" on the left side underneath LiteSpeed Cache
- Click "Object" at the top of the page
- Click the toggle next to "Object Cache" to enable it
- Click "Redis" next to "Method"
- In the "Host" field, paste in /tmp/redis.sock
- In the "Port" field, enter 0
- Click "Save Changes"
You should now see the Redis Extension status showing as "Enabled" and a notification that the Connection Test has been passed.
That's it - Redis object caching is now enabled for your WordPress installation!