Creating and Deleting Subdomains Print

  • 16

Rather than registering a new domain and adding it as an addon domain to your cPanel account, you can create a subdomain on a domain you own.

Rather than creating a new domain, a subdomain is essentially a prefix on an existing domain. For example, if you already own and host, and wish to add the subdomain "subdomain", it would look as follows: . This is common, for example, with blogs and forums (e.g.,, or

Creating a Subdomain

  1. Log in to cPanel.
  2. Under the "Domains" section, select "Domains".
  3. Click "Create A New Domain"
  4. In the blank field under "Domain", enter the complete subdomain you wish to create (like
  5. Click "Submit" to create the subdomain.


Deleting a Subdomain

  1. Log in to cPanel
  2. Under the "Domains" section, select "Domains".
  3. Find the subdomain you wish to delete in the list.
  4. Click "Manage" next to the subdomain.
  5. Click "Remove Subdomain".


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